Sunday, November 6, 2011

Kids Love Money

I have been working on a variety of financial literacy initiatives for over 5 years. In the spirit of strengthening our communities, I have increasingly focused on empowering families through financial education. We are just now acting on the importance of teaching our children how to be financially sound. More and more states are adopting financial literacy requirements in the classroom, however the root of the issue begins at home.

We all know that kids do indeed love money, so the pun is no doubt intended; however, this forum is to discuss kids and their relationship with money along with couples and our trials with money. Ultimately we will look at how both these relationships intertwine in our families to create chaos, but also opportunity. The opportunity is for us to step back and evaluate our financial decisions and learn steps to a more comfortable state of wealth, and hopefully less stress along the way.

Let's learn from our experiences and our mistakes and teach our children (and each other) to grow up with the financial knowledge that will allow all of us to succeed.

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